Path-Space Differentiable Rendering of Participating Media

Supplemental Materials

Cheng Zhang*, Zihan Yu*, and Shuang Zhao
University of California, Irvine      (* equal contribution)

In this supplemental material, we show animated versions of a few inverse-rendering optimizations. For each example, we visualize derivatives with respect to one of the parameters.

Scene # Param. # Iter. Time (per iteration)
Branches (Fig 10) 1 100 39s
Bust (Fig 10) 1 120 3m 24s
Bumpy sphere (Fig 10) 2 125 22.77s
Point Light 2 125 34s
Bunny0 3 200 3m 47s
Spheres (Fig 11) 2 150 3m 15s
Bunny (Fig 11) 17 125 9m 35s
Pool (Fig 11) 100 300 5m 52s
Left click the images below to start/pause; right click to reset the animations.
Inverse-Rendering Comparisons



Bumpy sphere

Additional Inverse-Rendering Results

Point Light





  • This example contains a swimming pool lit by a small area light above.
  • The interface between water and air (beyond field of view) is bumpy and parameterized with 100 parameters.
  • We search for the control parameters of the interface by only looking at the casted caustics underwater.